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Today’s musings. As if it were an advice column…

Funny stuff today. I was training a client who is a young lady, and a college student. We had to share our platform with a guy who was doing some Olympic Lifts, and the young man saw that we were doing Dead lifts, so he saw fit to instruct her, and I kindly told him, “Hey. That’s what she pays me for. DO your set so that we can continue.” He did. When we were done , I told her that this is how young dudes try to talk to girls in the gym. She giggled.

Musings of the day.

Ok, so here  is a tip. Don’t let me catch you asking about P90X or Insanity on Facebook if you have ever trained with me!!! I WILL let you have it! I will NOT be nice about it, and I will call you out. You disregarded everything I told you and abandoned what works without asking me a better idea. BAD!!!

Another tip – I was looking at my FB feed and watching discussions with others, nasty memes, and what other trainers are doing. I saw a former client with someone else’s studio. You know what? Cool. I was happy for her. If she likes that person, I hope their goals can be achieved. I hope that colleague is successful. Listen, folks, and trust me on this – it’s not beneficial to resent someone else’s success. Keep plugging away and remember your day will come. If you live in that resentment, you won’t know when it is there and you won’t enjoy it. Do what it takes. That’s it.

Another tip – Don’t do Incline Barbells and Barbell bench on the same day. Break it up. Reason being? You can avoid an overuse injury in your front delts. The Incline tends to pull them a bit and I actually don’t care for long – armed people doing it. The range of motion can be limited for them, and can possibly tear a dealt if you don’t take a wide grip, especially if you are starting to go into heavier weight. The Dumb Bells are easier with the freedom of movement, and you can line them up properly on the outside of your delt muscles. Just slow down, don’t speed through it, because that freedom of movement can also be a double – edged sword. Control them, don’t drop them down, make the negative last just as long as the positive contraction.

Another one – Don’t do squats and dead lifts on the same day. Don’t. You’re working the same muscles. You are putting a strain on your lower back. Just don’t. It’s ok to wait at least 72 hrs in between.

Ladies. I implore you. Your boyfriend has a decent physique, that’s wonderful. He is at the gym every day. That doesn’t make him an expert! I don’t know how many times I have seen meatheads bring their girlfriends who were half their size and make them to their workouts, make them use bad form, and just the same bad advice because they got a few gains. I never see the women again after a couple weeks, and the boyfriend is usually pretty demanding in the gym, they feel scrutinized. Realize that his goals are not yours. Oh, and it’s good to have goals, don’t let him tell you.

Oh, and I have seen meathead memes. You know who they resent and despise? Trainers. They really work hard to discredit us. Nastily. Man, I should probably not use the word “meathead” so much.

Trainers. If someone asks your advice, and you don’t think you can suit their needs, or you really don’t think you can mesh well with the person, then recommend them to someone else. It goes a long way. Someone asked about Crossfit, I recommended him to a Strength & Conditioning studio. I wasn’t going to badmouth Crossfit, they will get their business no matter what. I thought it was for the best, and I hope he gets the instruction he needs.

Ok. Cool. That’s all I got for today. Whew.

Here’s a funny picture!

Thanks for stopping by! Image


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March 28, 2014 · 4:26 am